Cindy Lou

Journal to share my thoughts and daily events with friends and family
in my journey through Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame.....

Last night my brothers took my dad to the Toledo Mudhens game. They all enjoyed themselves. It was hard for my brothers to see him so weak, but they loaded him up, wheelchair and all, and made the trip for him. He always loved going there and sitting in the Toft's seats. He was always generous in offering those seats to our family over the years. It was a night to remember for all involved. In the back of everyone's mind was the fact that this was his last trip there and they made it a special one for him. They were in tears at the seventh inning when he began singing "take me out to the ball game" in his very weak voice. He savored the night in his memory as did the boys. We love you Dad!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Wedding Weekend

Our family is preparing for a 3 day weekend with family for the wedding of my nephew, Bryce, and his bride, Monica. I am just going to savor the moments spent with all of them. My house will be full with my children here and I can hardly wait. (Kyle and Erika are the only ones not able to make it and we will miss them) These events mean so much to me. Life is so precious. We take so much for granted. Children move away and I find myself longing for their presence. My life has always been soooo about my children. As my life enters the autumn era, I all too often reminisce of the happy times of our life together and I want them to always know what they mean to me. The events of the last two weeks only reminds me of the importance of family. My Dad started chemo this week and he is being so strong. I am trying to be. The prognosis is not good. But this weekend, there will be dancing and singing and reminiscing and of course the "500 mile dance". And I will cherish every minute, for none of us know when we will all be together in such a large reunion again. And I Will Walk 500 Miles And I Would Walk 500 More.............