Cindy Lou

Journal to share my thoughts and daily events with friends and family
in my journey through Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Platelets continue to rise

I went into the local hematologist office today for a blood test and my platelets continue to rise quickly. I am so happy and so was my nurse at Cleveland clinic when I spoke with her this afternoon. Seems things are progressing on the right track. Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers!


  • At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Great news!! It truly is going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and your entire family. Much to give thanks for. We hope with future visits you continue to get great news.

    Love & prayers,
    Ed & Cindy

  • At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the good work. You really looked good when Kade and I stopped over on Saturday to see you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

    Debbie & Andy

  • At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear everything is getting better each visit. We all have so much to be thankful for, friends, family and other things that we take for granted. Keep up the good work, we are all so proud of you. Love, Barb, Michaela, Alex and Lauren :)

  • At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cindy,Glad you are feeling day by day hopefully we can get together with Jane after Thanksgiving.Will se her tommorow for the game.Talk soon.Love,Beth

  • At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear things are going well, just thinking of you and wanted to check in, I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
    Love Angela Benjumea

  • At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Cindy,
    I am so glad to hear everything is going so good for you. I know this Thanksgiving will hold special meaning for you and your family as well as your frineds here at TTH! We all definately miss you!! we can't wait for you to return to work.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Miss ya,
    Rebekah Grefe


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