Cindy Lou

Journal to share my thoughts and daily events with friends and family
in my journey through Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Last visits

Last night we made the trip to Toledo through a terrible storm, but arrived safely. I visited with some of the nurses I work with at TTH. It felt so good to be there. Can't wait to go back. Then I had my last visit with the Toledo grandkids and we had a nice visit and even were able to sit out on the deck after the storm passed. Many more memories to lock in my bank to call on in the days to come. Today, Kyle was going to mow the grass (or weeds) on our lot, but it was too wet, so he went for a motorcycle ride since he won't be doing that for a while. Libby and her kids came by to see me before my hospital stay. Please remember my sister, Libby, in your prayers. Without her this bone marrow transplant would not be possible. Tonight we will get together with family and friends one last time before our trip. Without them and all of you I could not do this . I am indeed blessed.


  • At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Cindy and Libby,
    Well the time for the bone marrow transplant is almost here.We will keep you both in our prayers.
    Thinking of you daily.
    Linda P.

  • At 9:13 AM, Blogger Kim Frey said…

    Hi Cindy! It was soooooo good to see you and everyone was saying how pretty you looked! I will be thinking of you lots as you enter this phase, and I so admire your courage and strength- Libby is an amazing sister and I wish her a hurried recovery from the procedure.
    For the hospital, if you start to feel badly, just break out your NRP book and I have full confidence that THAT will break the nausea, etc.!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!
    Talk to you soon, Love, Kim.


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