Last minute preparations
We've spent the last few days getting everything in order for our 5 week stay in Cleveland. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dr. Kalaycio at the Cleveland Clinic at 9:00 am so we will leave around 7:30. I also have to see the social worker again and also have more blood tests done, so I am sure it will be a full day. I guess they just have to make sure everything is in place for the transplant. I think I am as prepared as I can be. I am getting my boxing gloves back out ( and they are pink, by the way) to help me through this final round. It is just so hard to make myself think about that when I am feeling so good. But I know what I have to do.........and I am going to do it. My body has gained so much strength in one month it is unbelieveable. And I have talked with several survivors of bone marrow transplants and their families and it has given me emotional and psychological strength I did not have before. I know what to expect, even though it is unpleasant, I will make it. YES I WILL. YES I CAN.
At 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cindy, there has never been a doubt in our minds that you would fight this with a great attitude and alot of strength. You have gone beyond that and spread that possitive attitude through everyone you touch. I know you've opened my eyes to alot of things I take for granted. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers through this final battle and look forward to the many years of making more memories. Together with your family and friends behind you the results can only be TO WIN. Ok enough of the mushy crap JUST DO IT! Love you always DOUG and PAT
At 8:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Cindy and Kyle,
We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.Just keep saying Yes I can .
Your blogger friend.
Linda P.
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are a woman of unbelievable courage, faith, determination and the WILL TO BEAT THIS DISEASE. THINK PINK AND PUNCH LIKE HELL! YOU CAN TAKE IT OUT IN THE FIRST ROUND!! WE WILL HEAR BELLS BACK IN SANDUSKY. Please let us know if we can help out in any way?
Love & prayers,
Ed & Cindy
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Abb & Kyle,
Still always thinkin about ya's and prayin for both of you too. I also catch myself laughing about you two at times. Example...when I see luggage or have a Punta flashback. Did ya get a new suitcase for the hospital Abb? Kyle will have the last laugh when we start seeing monogramed luggage. Keep laughing and keep focused.
Love ya's Val
P.S. Need prayers sent to Libby too.(No not cuz she's married to Joe :)) Hope she's feeling it. Love you too Libb.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Bella!
Pink ones, huh? I like it:) Okay now, Cindy, it sounds like you've got it altogether and so now you have to keep it together on the tough days that may be coming. Your body is strong and is ready to handle whatever they bring your way. You reach into your memory album and remember the faces of all those you love and all the fun times you have had this past month. You think of you and Alli snuggling, watching the foreworks, and know that any lingering cells are blasting their way out of your body, as well. Draw upon those mental images and see the smiles, hear the laughter, smell the summer, and feel the arms of your family wrapped snuggly around you. You CAN do ths! You WILL do this! We'll help you along the way and pound on God's doors one last time. Just remember, every second of each day, how quickly your body started healing this time and that each day--- whether it be good or not so good, is one day closer to coming home!!!! Put the negative thoughts away (if you have any)and look forward to each new day (even with what that may mean) as one day closer to being healed for good! I've been calling on Jabez since this journey began, so get ready and kick some booty!
At 9:05 PM,
Saroth said…
Sending love and prayers to you and your family. Stay strong and tough sweetie and you will soon be saying "YES I DID"
"Yet this I call to mind and therfore I have hope. Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Love ,
Jude, Shelly, Bryce and Shai
At 11:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Cindy
Has it been a whole month already? See how fast time flies! Now, we can only pray that the time in the hospital will fly just as fast. Our prayers will be with you, Kyle, Libby and Joe and all the rest of the family...cause "We Are Family", for sure. Every day will take you closer to complete health and a long, long life, with all your dreams coming true. We love ya.
Mark and Jan
At 11:47 PM,
Kyle Roth said…
Sorry I missed you today, but I hear Kade had a great time and didn't want you to leave. He is looking forward to having Papa around more! We will see you on Monday, enjoy the weekend.
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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