Rollercoaster continues
Well, I have been feeling so good that I thought that I would sail through my Dr appointment after Christmas with flying colors. That was not to be. The good news was that all of my counts (WBC's, RBC's, and platelets) were all close to normal levels. The bad news was my liver function tests were elevated and my Dr suspects graft vs. host of the liver, especially since my legs and feet were swollen to twice their size. Also another lab value (IGG) was on the low side so I was going to have to get that 4 hour infusion of immunoglobins again for the next 4 months. So I just received that on Monday here in Sandusky at the new cancer center at Firelands..... how beautiful it is in there! And close to home! Then yesterday, I woke up with a sunburn type rash on my face, so I called my nurse as I am supposed to when anything abnormal happens, and she set me up for a skin biopsy today in Cleveland. The Dr suspected graft vs. host of the skin as well. This morning I woke up with no rash..... so I called my nurse and she was off today, so I spoke with someone else and she said I could still come, but I knew they would not biopsy skin with no rash and we certainly do not need another consultation bill for nothing, so I cancelled the appointment and I will talk with my nurse tomorrow. My legs have gone down, but I had repeat labs drawn here on Monday and my liver tests are more extremely elevated than a week ago, so I am assuming the next step will be a liver biopsy and the return to some high doses of prednisone. The Dr says I can still go back to work and I feel really good, so I am looking forward to that. I will keep you updated and to all my friends at TTH.... see you next week! Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.
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