Cindy Lou

Journal to share my thoughts and daily events with friends and family
in my journey through Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not Feeling Well Tonight

Mom is not feeling too good tonight, or all day for that matter. She had cramping and a fever and the Dr.'s are checking for C-dif which is an infection in the intestines. She had some more visitors today; Debbie Kraus, Beth Kromer, Doug Kromer Craig Kromer and Tony Schaefer.

Dad is still up there with her while the doctors do some tests to see if there is an infection. Hopefully he comes back soon with some good news.


  • At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Praying for you. Hope that Wednesday will be a better day for you.

    Love & prayers,
    Ed & Cindy

  • At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hang in there mom! Don't worry about posting your own blogs if you don't feel up to it. Dad is doing a fine job.
    Bailey started soccer this week. She doesn't really understand the game yet, that's o.k. because Lauren and I don't either. We had a family soccer practice after the game and Bailey got hit in the face with the ball. Well that was the end of that. I hope she still wants to play.
    Riley is ,well Riley. She is up to the usual destructing the house and saying, "sowwy momma".
    Continue to feel all of the love, thoughts, and prayers coming your way. Your fight and all of your friends and family WILL pull you through this. Never doubt it.
    we love you!


  • At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Hopes and prayers for a better day tommorrow. Love you very much
    Stay strong Remember "we BELIEVE"


  • At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Feel the LOVE!! We are praying for you. We miss you and hope that this nightmare ends quickly. God be with you.

    Lots of Hugs,
    Jan & Mark

  • At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was good seeing you yesterday.
    Just remember everyone is praying for your recovery. You are a strong person and you will beat this.

    Debbie & Andy

  • At 7:39 AM, Blogger Jessie said…

    Love ya mom! We are all here for you. Praying and Praying that all these gloomy days will turn into a bright recovery. I know it is hard for you to see the brighter tomorrow right now but it is coming and we will be living it up with you. Keep that winning attitude. Love you with all our heart!!!!!
    Mike, Jessie and the girls

  • At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good morning Cindy and Kyle today is the start of a new day. One more bad day behind us and Good days are on the way. Stay strong we're all here for you.
    Love you

  • At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Morning Cindy,I hope you are feeling better, yesterday I`m glad I got to see ya ,hope you are not so sick today maybe feel like eating.Soon you can take some walks.Have a great day.Love ya,Beth

  • At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Cindy,
    I'm so glad you posted today, it means you're stronger than you were yesterday, and that's GREAT news! I don't know what the heck C-diff is, but I'm sure happy to hear you don't have it. You should see the little ones praying their rosaries for you. They are so adorable and focused; they ask about "my friend" everyday. The 3 second grades are all praying rosaries for you. I haven't figured out how many individual prayers that is, but it has to be A LOT. If I was sick, I would want those kiddos puttting in a good word for me. You're definitely going to make it through this, Cindy. God won't turn a deaf ear to his children. Geez, I sound like a nun! Keep rinsing :)
    Joe and Gale

  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!


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